This article will describe the simple competition we are hosting around the design of the NFTs required for the DAO governance system. We have already had some entries, but it would be nice to have some more since these will be set in stone for the foreseeable future. This competition is about finding the perfect image for Proposing NFTs, Voting NFTs, and the Immortal NFTs.
Submit your images for the NFT type of your choice, according to the following specifications:
1) The image should have a way to indicate the tier of the NFT. (Immortal only has one tier, all the others have copper-diamond tiers). It won’t go up unless you have 5 different images OR a way to delineate tiers with the same image.
2) image files should be less than 1MB (please do this, it’s a pain if you don’t, and they wont get posted)
3) images should be of type .png or .jpg
4) Pay attention to these rules. It makes it difficult for us if you don’t, and it’s easier to just not include the submission.
5) Submissions must be in by Friday, August 11th.
6) If you want to vote, you must join the DAO, by that date as voting will end on Friday August 18th.
Voting will be Ranked Choice Voting, this way you can really apply your opinion over all the choices, and not just vote for your favorite only.
There will be three votes. One for Voting NTFs, One for Proposing NFT’s, and one for the Immortal Voting NFTs.
The submission that wins the vote, will receive 5000 Divi. So a total of 15000 Divi will be awarded.
The submission forms are here:
You can view some submissions here. There are three albums you should be able to look through.
This article is part of a series of articles regarding the migration to Divi 3.0. It will be executed in steps over several weeks, allowing for a seamless and efficient transition process. We urge you to pay close attention to the forthcoming updates, as they will contain vital instructions for the migration. There will be a gamification element incorporated, so we encourage you all to stay engaged! This should make the process more engaging and a rewarding experience for all node owners and the Divi family. You can find the introduction article as well as the list of articles of the series on this link.
Win up to 15,000 DIVI!
This article will describe the simple competition we are hosting around the design of the NFTs required for the DAO governance system. We have already had some entries, but it would be nice to have some more since these will be set in stone for the foreseeable future. This competition is about finding the perfect image for Proposing NFTs, Voting NFTs, and the Immortal NFTs.
Submit your images for the NFT type of your choice, according to the following specifications:
1) The image should have a way to indicate the tier of the NFT. (Immortal only has one tier, all the others have copper-diamond tiers). It won’t go up unless you have 5 different images OR a way to delineate tiers with the same image.
2) image files should be less than 1MB (please do this, it’s a pain if you don’t, and they wont get posted)
3) images should be of type .png or .jpg
4) Pay attention to these rules. It makes it difficult for us if you don’t, and it’s easier to just not include the submission.
5) Submissions must be in by Friday, August 11th.
6) If you want to vote, you must join the DAO, by that date as voting will end on Friday August 18th.
Voting will be Ranked Choice Voting, this way you can really apply your opinion over all the choices, and not just vote for your favorite only.
There will be three votes. One for Voting NTFs, One for Proposing NFT’s, and one for the Immortal Voting NFTs.
The submission that wins the vote, will receive 5000 Divi. So a total of 15000 Divi will be awarded.
The submission forms are here:
You can view some submissions here. There are three albums you should be able to look through.
This article is part of a series of articles regarding the migration to Divi 3.0. It will be executed in steps over several weeks, allowing for a seamless and efficient transition process. We urge you to pay close attention to the forthcoming updates, as they will contain vital instructions for the migration. There will be a gamification element incorporated, so we encourage you all to stay engaged! This should make the process more engaging and a rewarding experience for all node owners and the Divi family. You can find the introduction article as well as the list of articles of the series on this link.