In order to reflect the ideas expressed in What is Divi Foundation ?, Divi Foundation: Next Steps and What is a Divi Foundation Partner?, Discord will be reorganized and cleaned up.
The new Discord setup will be organized in 7 different categories.
The Welcome category will have all the onboarding tools and rules of the server. Those channels are not intended for conversation, unless you just joined the server or need to do a particular action in your setup, you can collapse the category.
The Landing Pad is the channel new users joining the server land in.
This channel is to link your web wallet if you hold edivi to get the special role.
The Roles channel is where you will see the different roles in the server and how to get them.
Verify-Captcha is the channel to verify an email address to make sure you are not a bot and get access to the whole server.
The community is where conversations happen, where people talk to each other about the project, the coin, and anything related to it.
The General chat is for conversation about the project and crypto as a whole. Its there for the community to interact with each other.
The trading chat is more targeted to market and price movements, people can interact with each other there and share their insight and strategies.
This is where you get support for the Divi Foundation products, the desktop wallet, blockchain questions, manual installs, any hurdle you have you can ask for help there.
A suggestion box to submit ideas
The DAO is going to take a central place moving forward. While it will have its dedicated website, the community needs to be engaged in what is happening there.
This channel will have the links and general rules of the DAO.
It will also have the limited conversations impacting the DAO setup not part of a particular proposal.
This channel will represent the current active proposal and the conversations about it. We are changing from a threads model as, unfortunately the unread notification logic is not working as efficiently with threads. Proposals will be archived as they get voted in/out in a dedicated category.
The Private groups category is where groups with restricted access are. You will only see groups there if you have participated in activities providing you access to one of these groups.
Media category will have all the content related to outside communication.
This channel is for any Divi Foundation announcement.
This channel groups all the social media posts from Divi Foundation profiles. Youtube, twitter/x and any other platform linked in Discord will appear there.
This is where you will be able to find all the links related to the Divi Foundation.
The Products & Platforms category is designed to have a dedicated channel for each product using Divi. Some can have chats while some projects have their own community and Discord. Channels will also have all the key links for those products.
Voted/Rejected Proposals will keep a record of all accepted and rejected proposals with their related conversations.
Those changes will be implemented in the next few days, let us know what you think in
See the ideas behind the upcoming changes
In order to reflect the ideas expressed in What is Divi Foundation ?, Divi Foundation: Next Steps and What is a Divi Foundation Partner?, Discord will be reorganized and cleaned up.
The new Discord setup will be organized in 7 different categories.
The Welcome category will have all the onboarding tools and rules of the server. Those channels are not intended for conversation, unless you just joined the server or need to do a particular action in your setup, you can collapse the category.
The Landing Pad is the channel new users joining the server land in.
This channel is to link your web wallet if you hold edivi to get the special role.
The Roles channel is where you will see the different roles in the server and how to get them.
Verify-Captcha is the channel to verify an email address to make sure you are not a bot and get access to the whole server.
The community is where conversations happen, where people talk to each other about the project, the coin, and anything related to it.
The General chat is for conversation about the project and crypto as a whole. Its there for the community to interact with each other.
The trading chat is more targeted to market and price movements, people can interact with each other there and share their insight and strategies.
This is where you get support for the Divi Foundation products, the desktop wallet, blockchain questions, manual installs, any hurdle you have you can ask for help there.
A suggestion box to submit ideas
The DAO is going to take a central place moving forward. While it will have its dedicated website, the community needs to be engaged in what is happening there.
This channel will have the links and general rules of the DAO.
It will also have the limited conversations impacting the DAO setup not part of a particular proposal.
This channel will represent the current active proposal and the conversations about it. We are changing from a threads model as, unfortunately the unread notification logic is not working as efficiently with threads. Proposals will be archived as they get voted in/out in a dedicated category.
The Private groups category is where groups with restricted access are. You will only see groups there if you have participated in activities providing you access to one of these groups.
Media category will have all the content related to outside communication.
This channel is for any Divi Foundation announcement.
This channel groups all the social media posts from Divi Foundation profiles. Youtube, twitter/x and any other platform linked in Discord will appear there.
This is where you will be able to find all the links related to the Divi Foundation.
The Products & Platforms category is designed to have a dedicated channel for each product using Divi. Some can have chats while some projects have their own community and Discord. Channels will also have all the key links for those products.
Voted/Rejected Proposals will keep a record of all accepted and rejected proposals with their related conversations.
Those changes will be implemented in the next few days, let us know what you think in